European masterS IN landscape architecture

EMiLA is an innovation in Master’s level Landscape Architectural education.  The Programme unites The École Nationale Supérieur de Paysage Versailles/Marseille, The University of Edinburgh, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Amsterdam University of the Arts and The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

In 2010 I made a proposal to the British Council through the European Lifelong Learning Project, to run the first summer workshop for the European Masters in Landscape Architecture.


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Community Workshop Stromness

The involvement of stakeholders from the Island meant that students were able to obtain very specific, local knowledge of the landscape and this augmented the subject specific expertise of the teaching staff.

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‘In the house’ - EMiLA students set up a teaching session in a house in Stromness, Orkney

The project was activated in the first instance through exploratory learning itineraries examining how knowledge outcomes could lead to a future interaction with society for the profession of Landscape Architecture.



Investigative groups examined themes of Energy, Hinterland, Seascape, Archaeology and Settlement.